Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Writer's Take

I'm really enjoying The Writer's Forensic Blog. It's written by the author of Forensics for Dummies, so it's in layman's terms. The content ranges from forensic tools and techniques, to fiction novel descriptions, to case studies. The author's own website offers useful links for writers, but could certainly also be useful links for PI's!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Emmy -- I'm learning a lot from your series of posts on the challenges facing criminal forensics labs and practitioners. Your style is open, easy to understand, and a hornet nest for questions raised by the clash between the need for evidence-based justice and the scarcities surrounding forensics resources. The questions of efficacy facing established techniques is just the latest wrinkle in a facet of PI that puts you at the forefront of reporting and opinion as observer and practitoner. Solid work.
